↓ENG↓ Therapy freaks, máme tu čest vám naservírovat další z exkluzivních mixů! Zhostilo se jej nizozemské duo The Outside Agency (DJ Hidden & Eye-D), jedni z headlinerů pražské Therapy Sessions CZ, která proběhne v pátek 10. května 2024 v pražském klubu Storm. Dejte si ultimátní jízdu za hranice stylů, od industriálního techna přes drum and bass a jungle až po uptempo hardcore – old school, new school i totálně nadčasové tracky. TOA se 5 let po vystoupení na festivalu Let It Roll vracejí do ČR a po 13 letech se objeví na Therapy Sessions Czech Republic. Nenechte si ujít jejich dvouhodinový set v Praze a dejte si hodinovou ochutnávku toho, co vás čeká. Na tohle nejste připraveni! Potřebujete terapii!!! / Therapy freaks, we are proud to serve you another exclusive mix! It was made by Dutch duo The Outside Agency (DJ Hidden & Eye-D), one of the headliners of Therapy Sessions CZ, which will take place on Friday 10th May 2024 at Storm Club Prague. Give yourself the ultimate ride beyond styles, from industrial techno to drum and bass and jungle to uptempo hardcore – old school, new school and totally timeless tracks. TOA returns to the Czech Republic 5 years after their appearance at Let It Roll festival and after 13 years they will perform at Therapy Sessions Czech Republic. Don't miss their two-hour set in Prague and get a taste of what's to come. You are not prepared for this! You need therapy!!!


01. The Outside Agency - The Apostate

02. Ophidian - Stalker

03. The Outside Agency - Resist

04. Promo - Represent by Example (The Outside Agency Remix)

05. Hellsystem - Blood Eagle

06. Miyuki Omura - Awkward

07. Vizzen & MIDNIGHT CVLT - (not) Friends

08. Detest - London

09. Burr Oak - J'laisse Des Traces (J'Pars En Vrille)

10. DNGN DRGNS - Through The Prism

11. 3RDKND - Fix

12. DJ Hidden - The Nightmare Connector VIP

13. Skitzaph0nic - Chaos Theorem (The Outside Agency Remix)

14. Blockdata - The Host

15. Deathmachine - Graphene

16. The Outside Agency - The Malorian Candidate

17. Wreck Reality - HWFG (Extended Mix)

18. System Info - Get It

19. Irontype - Hugo

20. DJIPE - God Meltdown

21. Transforma - Ghouls

22. Nagazaki - Perfect Angle

23. The Satan - All The Memories

24. The Outside Agency - Rage

25. Trespassed - Xaeros Box

26. Raxyor & Khaoz Engine - Steez Knowledge


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